1. Break the grip. An arm bar takedown begins when an attacker grips your shirt or coat at the shoulder. You must break the grip by grabbing the attacker's wrist or sleeve and pushing away quickly to break the grip on your shoulder.
2. Grab your opponent. After you've broken the attacker's grip and while still holding his gripping arm, you should grab high up under the arm that the attacker used to grab you and grip his tricep. Drag the attacker's arm across your body so you pull him towards your chest.
3. Hold your opponent around the waist. Once you have your opponent gripped by the tricep, quickly move both of your arms around his waist, keeping your cheek and body tightly against your opponent's back.
4. Sweep and stabilize. The final part of the move is to kick the Achilles tendon of your opponent's far foot with the heel of your forward foot. As you do so, lean back to pull the attacker to the ground. Once you hit the ground, stabilize yourself with your back leg and put your weight against your opponent to keep him pinned.
5. Complete the arm bar. After you've stabilized on the ground, step over the attacker's head with your foot that's already closest to his head. Keep control of his arm and throw yourself into the arm bar to complete the takedown.
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